Legal notes

This site and the material contained in it (such as texts, images, graphic designs, videos, audios, software and any other form of intellectual property) may constitute original works and are therefore protected by copyright laws. The breach of rights pertaining to the site may therefore imply the application of the criminal or administrative sanctions provided for by art. 171, 171-bis, 171-ter, 174-bis and 174-ter of Law 22 April 1941, no. 633 as amended, beside the civil sanctions provided for by the Italian Civil Code.

The material contained in this site is the exclusive property of the respective owners of the rights and their assignees. Where not otherwise indicated, all the rights belong exclusively to PREGEL SPA. The material contained in this site may not, therefore, be reproduced, with any analogic or digital means, either directly or indirectly, temporarily or permanently, in whole or in part, without PREGEL SPA’s written authorization or that of the respective owners, with the exception of reproductions made for exclusively personal use, or temporary reproductions in preparation for browsing the site or contents expressly available with a Creative-Commons license .

All trademarks, whether registered or not, and other distinctive signs present on the site belong to the legitimate owners and are not granted on license nor subject to any form of arrangement, except where expressly indicated. Use of the PREGEL SPA logo, images and graphics without PREGEL SPA’s prior written consent is strictly forbidden.

It is also forbidden to create a link in your site which connects to a PREGEL SPA page which is not the homepage (deep link), without PREGEL SPA’s prior written consent.

For the exchange and use of static and dynamic banners or for the use of the contents of this site, contact PREGEL SPA’s administrative and legal departments, sending explicit written request to:
PRE GEL spa con socio unico
Via 11 Settembre 2001 n. 5/A
42019 Scandiano (RE) – Frazione Arceto (Italy)

In the event of a hyperlink to an external site, PREGEL SPA accepts no liability regarding the contents or use of said site.

These LEGAL NOTES are also disclosed for other autonomous data controllers belonging to the same corporate group as PREGEL SPA.